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Open Streets
Open Streets

sáb 13 de abr


Fort Worth

Open Streets

Open Streets is a six-hour Saturday event which closes Magnolia Avenue to cars and opens it up to cyclists, food trucks, dog-walkers, skateboarders, yoga classes, face-painters and much more.

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Time & Location

13 abr 2024, 12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Fort Worth, 815 W Magnolia Ave, Fort Worth, TX 76104, USA

About the Event

The event is an expression of the Near Southside's community spirit in  every way: local businesses set up activities along the route;  neighborhood residents help spread the word about street closures and  detours; and dozens of community partners take ownership of key planning  details such as routes and activities, temporary public art projects,  pet adoptions, bike safety courses, setting up and breaking down  barricades on event day, and much more. Open Streets was presented by  Near Southside, Inc. and the City of Fort Worth for the first time in  2011 and drew hundreds of participants. Since then, the event has grown  to be one of the Near Southside's most beloved community events with  attendance in the thousands and more than 120 community partners  providing free activities.

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